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Summer 2025


Always with a focus on safety, students gain exposure to all aspects of construction from BIM through fabrication and installation. Taught by working craft professionals who are ready to share their career paths and advice.

7/11/25 - 7/18/259:00am - 5:00pm (first day of each session only), 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Mechanical Craft Training Institute, Birmingham, AL
Contact: Jay Gilchrist, jgilchrist@hardycorp.com

7/14/25 - 7/18/25TBA
Location: SMACNA Arizona, Phoenix, AZ
Contact: Carol Goguen, smacna@smacna-az.org

6/23/25 - 6/27/251 week, 8:00am - 12:00pm
Location: So Cal JATC, City of Industry, CA
Contact: Max Lai, MaxL@socalsma.org

6/16/25 - 6/20/259:00am - 3:00pm
Location: ACCO - SoCal, Commerce, CA
Contact: Stefan Colvey, scolvey@accoes.com

Location: Superior Duct Fabrication, Pomona, CA
Contact: Victoria Longtin, vlongtin@sdfab.com

6/13/25 - 6/20/25TBA
Location: Intech Mechanical, Roseville, CA
Contact: Gary Myers, gmyers@intech-mech.com

4/14/25 - 4/18/25TBA
Location: Sacramento Valley SMACNA, Sacramento, CA
Contact: Cheryl Sprague, csprague@smacnasac.org

6/23/25 - 6/27/258:00am - 3:00pm, Monday - Friday
Location: San Diego Sheetmetal JATC, San Diego, CA
Contact: Janelle Rose, jrose@jacksonandblanc.com

6/9/25 - 6/27/252:30pm - 5:00pm
Location: Silicon Valley Mechanical, San Jose, CA
Contact: Hannah Monteiro, hmonteiro@svminc.com

6/9/25 - 6/13/258:30am - 2:30pm
Location: ACCO - NorCal, San Leandro, CA
Contact: Wildivina Rosario, wrosario@accoes.com

6/10/25 - 7/24/252:30pm - 5:00pm, 2x per week, 7 weeks
Location: Western Allied Mechanical, Union City, CA
Contact: Lisa Oneto, loneto@westernallied.com

6/16/25 - 6/27/25TBA
Location: Tri-Counties Sheet Metal JATC, Ventura, CA
Contact: Brian Hill, brianh@tcjatc.org

8/18/25 - 8/22/25TBA
Location: Sheet Metal Workers-Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Contact: Dan Lee, danlee@local8.ca

8/11/25 - 8/15/25TBA
Location: Sheet Metal Workers-Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Contact: Dan Lee, danlee@local8.ca

7/7/25 - 7/18/252:00pm - 5:00pm, Monday - Thursday
Location: Lancaster Group, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Contact: Sarah Meharg, smeharg@lancastergroup.ca

7/7/25 - 7/24/251:30pm - 4:00pm, Monday - Thursday
Location: DILFO, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Contact: Brendan Myers, brendan.myers@dilfo.com

6/23/25 - 6/27/25TBA
Location: Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 145 & Colorado Sheet Metal Workers Joint Apprenticeship, Grand Junction, CO
Contact: Lory Nasalroad, loryh@westernstatescollege.org

6/9/25 - 6/13/25TBA
Location: Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 145 & Colorado Sheet Metal Workers Joint Apprenticeship, Grand Junction, CO
Contact: Lory Nasalroad, loryh@westernstatescollege.org

7/10/25 - 7/25/251:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: M.J. Daly, Waterbury, CT
Contact: Edward Carvalho, ecarvalho@mjdalyllc.com

Location: R.F. Knox Company, Smyrna, GA
Contact: John Allen Knox, jaknox@rfknox.com

6/16/25 - 6/27/252:30pm - 5:30pm, Monday - Friday
Location: Sheet Metal Werks, Arlington Heights, IL
Contact: Kevin Ryan, kevin@sheetmetalwerks.com

6/2/25 - 6/12/253:00pm - 7:00pm, Monday - Thursday
Location: DeKalb Mechanical, DeKalb, IL
Contact: Kurt Mattson, KMattson@DeKalbMechanical.com

7/7/25 - 7/11/25TBA
Location: Quad City Electrical JATC, Moline, IL
Contact: Terry Van Hook, tvanhook@qcejatc.org

6/16/25 - 6/27/25TBA
Location: Northwest Community Center, Rockford, IL
Contact: Jurea Crudup, jcrudup@awakenfoundationl3c.com

6/2/25 - 6/5/258:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Trades for Tomorrow, Evansville, IN
Contact: Lacy Wargel, lacy@tradesfortomorrow.org

6/6/25 - 6/12/258:00am to 4:00pm (6/9 - 6/12), orientation only (6/6)
Location: Poynter Sheet Metal, Greenwood, IN
Contact: Chrissy Batalis, chrissybatalis@poyntersheetmetal.com

5/21/25 - 6/26/256 weeks, 2x per week, 3:30pm - 5:30pm, Wednesday & Thursday
Location: Thompson Solutions Group, Sioux City, IA

7/8/25 - 7/31/251:00pm - 5:00pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Location: Central Consolidated, Wichita, KS
Contact: Kayla Leanos, kleanos@centralconsolidated.net

7/15/25 - 7/18/259:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Plumbers & Gasfitters Local 5, Lanham, MD
Contact: Christopher Biondi, cbiondi@plumbersualocal5training.com

7/7/25 - 7/11/251 week, 7:30am to 3:00pm
Location: Cannistraro, Boston, MA
Contact: Amy Cannistraro, amyc@cannistraro.com

6/16/25 - 6/25/2510:00am to 3:00pm
Location: Cox Engineering, Randolph, MA
Contact: Shannon O'Leary, soleary@coxeng.com

6/23/25 - 6/27/251:00pm - 4:30pm
Location: Dee Cramer, Holly, MI
Contact: Kelsey Savage, kelseys@deecramer.com

07/14/25 - 07/17/258:30am - 3:00pm, Monday - Thursday
Location: MCA of Kansas City, Kansas City, MO
Contact: Kathleen Livingston, klivingston@mcakc.org

7/7/25 to 7/18/25TBA
Location: St. Louis SMACNA, St. Louis, MO
Contact: Susan Miller, susan@smacnastlouis.org

6/3/25 - 6/20/251:00pm - 4:00pm, Tuesday - Friday
Location: Cerris Systems, Omaha, NE
Contact: Kaitlyn Radde, kradde@cerris.com

06/23/25 - 06/27/25One week
Location: MCA Las Vegas & SMACNA So Nevada, Las Vegas, NV
Contact: Rebecca Dirks Garcia, rebecca@mcasmacna.org

06/19/25 - 07/17/253:00pm - 6:00pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Location: New Mexico MCA-SMACNA, Albuquerque, NM
Contact: Ronda Gilliland Lopez, ronda@mcaofnm.org

07/08/25 - 08/14/256 weeks, 3:00pm - 5:30pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Location: John W Danforth, Tonawanda, NY
Contact: Samantha Pommer, spommer@jwdanforth.com

7/7/25 - 7/18/259:00am - 2:30pm
Location: Local 33, Cleveland, OH
Contact: Al Simonitis, 216-267-0151, asimonitis@smw33jatc.org

7/21/25 - 7/25/25See details
Location: Portland SMACNA/NECA/MCA, Portland, OR
Contact: Chris Schneider, cschneider@smacna-oregon.org

6/16/25 - 6/27/251:00pm - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
Location: H.T. Lyons Inc., Allentown, PA
Contact: Kate DiMaio, kate.dimaio@htlyons.com

7/14/25 - 7/25/25See details
Location: SSM Industries-Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh
Contact: John Szymczak, Jr., jszymczak@ssmi.biz

6/16/25 - 6/20/2510:00am - 5:00pm
Location: Leibold Inc. HVAC, Pottsville, PA
Contact: Clay Liebold, clay.leibold@leiboldhvac.com

7/09/25 - 7/24/251:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Unique Metal Works, Pawtucket, RI
Contact: Norman Brothers, nbrothers@uniquemtl.com

6/2/25 - 6/6/25TBA
Location: Tennessee Builders Alliance, Nashville, TN
Contact: Beth Duffield, bduffield@tcco.com

6/16/25 - 6/20/259:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Brandt, San Antonio, TX
Contact: Jacob VanOverborg, Jacob.vanoverborg@brandt.us

6/23/25 - 6/27/258:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: SMACNA Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Contact: Shelley Lester, shelleylester@sisna.com

6/23/25 - 7/16/252:00pm - 4:30pm, Monday - Wednesday
Location: Hermanson, Kent, WA
Contact: Jana Burbank, jburbank@hermanson.com

7/28/25 - 7/31/257:00am - 3:30pm
Location: JH Kelly, Longview, WA
Contact: Adriana Salgado, asalgado@jhkelly.com

6/24/25 - 7/24/252:30pm - 5:30pm, Tuesday & Thursday
Location: Johansen Mechanical, Monroe, WA
Contact: Daniel Moore, danielm@johansenmech.com

6/26/25 - 7/31/252:30pm - 5:00pm, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
Location: McKinstry, Seattle, WA
Contact: Phil Marr, philipm@mckinstry.com

6/23/25 - 6/27/258:00am - 2:30pm
Location: Milwaukee-SMACCA & JATC, Milwaukee, WI
Contact: Jill Ackerman, jill@pmsmca.com

6/9/25 - 7/16/252:00pm - 4:30pm, Monday & Wednesday
Location: Tweet/Garot Mechanical, Wrightstown, WI
Contact: Paige Vandenack, paige.vandenack@tweetgarot.com

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