
The trades

a career in the trades

Why Union?

Many students have never considered the construction industry as a career, but as a union apprentice, you GET PAID while you learn and work! Plus, the union construction industry recognizes equal work for equal pay, making it a great career choice for both men and women. Check out more benefits of joining the union construction industry.

Quality training

Union apprentices participate in rigorous training programs that meet the high standards set by their trade associations. They begin their careers by learning from the best in their respective industries, and develop their skills through continuing education opportunities and industry certifications as their careers advance.

Competitive wages and benefits

According to the Economic Policy Institute, union workers earn 10.2% more in wages than their non-union counterparts. This often encourages non-union firms to raise their wages, and when employees benefit from higher wages, the economy becomes stronger. Union workers are also more likely to be offered premium health insurance by their employers, along with paid time off and a plan that sets them up for comfortable retirement.

Health and safety

The construction industry in general prioritizes safety, but even more so among unions. Union employers provide health insurance, paid sick leave, provide safety equipment and empower workers to report hazardous/unsafe conditions and situations.

Equity and diversity

The gender pay gap in the unionized construction is one of the narrowest across all industries, with women earning 98.5% of their male counterparts. Additionally, unions represent workers across all levels of education, race and ethnicity, and promote a message of inclusion and equal opportunity.

A voice

Unions empower workers with a seat at the table, giving them a voice in everything they do and the issues that matter to them. When workers stand together, they become more successful in reaching their goals for the betterment of all working members.

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